Are you trying to find a Church where you can be a part of the family?
Are you searching?
Do you have questions?
Are you a seeker of the truth?
Come join us as we seek to journey together.
Together we will search the Scriptures,
Join in worship,
Fellowship together and
Grow together!
As we seek to follow the teachings of Jesus.
You are a child of God, beloved by God.
If you are disillusioned with churches you have been to, if you have felt excluded at churches you have been to but are still searching then come and visit us.
Experience the Spirit of God in this family Church. As you visit, we invite you to join us.
We may not always agree but we will seek to have honest relationships. We try to model ourselves on the example of the first twelve disciples who came from very different backgrounds, economically and politically, and who though they didn’t always agree with each other at least eleven of them sought to faithfully follow Jesus.
Our Church History
1873 – 2023 Sesquicentennial Anniversary
Fern Prairie United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
On half an acre of land purchased for $1 from Pinkney and Nancy Blair in 1884 Methodists built what many later described as the ‘cog of the community’ after a Methodist Episcopal Class was organized on April 21st, 1873, with Rev. J.H. Allyn. It had met in the log hut school on that same site. One hundred and fifty years later “The Little White Church on the Hill” on that half acre is still a beacon in Fern Prairie.
John Wesley-the founder of Methodism- described what he founded as ‘The Connexion’ (his spelling). Connexion is being celebrated throughout 2023 and into 2024 at Fern Prairie United Methodist Church by building connexions with people in the community, by remembering pioneer families and preachers and what Fern Prairie United Methodist Church achieved over one hundred and fifty years and by going forward with faith into this millennium.
We welcome everyone to join us on Sunday mornings at ten and in any or all of our special events usually on the third Sunday with Church Family Meal following.
For Our Visitors
Frequently Asked Questions
What do United Methodists believe?
As a part of the worldwide United Methodist Church family, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about our beliefs, CLICK HERE.
Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking available?
Parking is at the back of the Church and there is handicapped parking available.
The building is handicap friendly and our restrooms are gender-neutral, accessible and lockable.
What should I expect?
Our services are a blend of traditional and contemporary.
We are looking and praying for a pianist and so for now we use YouTube videos from other churches for our music.
After worship we stay for chat, tea and coffee, snacks and on the third Sunday we have a family meal.
Do you serve Communion?
We serve communion , usually on the fourth Sunday when Rev Keith Hackett is with us. In this act of worship, we remember the last meal that Jesus shared with the disciples, and we invite everyone to participate. We remember that God loves us, and we recommit to following Jesus. We have gluten free bread, and we use non-alcoholic grape juice.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever is comfortable for you – casual or dressy or anything in between.
Are children welcome in the service?
Children of all ages are welcome to take part in our services. Activity books and toys are available, and we have a special time for children during the service.
Is the church available for events (i.e., weddings, funerals, etc.)?
The church is available for weddings and funerals. Please contact the church office for more information.
Am I welcome?
YES! YES! YES! Fern Prairie United Methodist Church welcomes people of all gender identities, gender expressions, sexual orientations, races, nationalities, economic and immigration statuses. We value a broad range of Biblical and theological understandings and faith experiences. We seek to be responsible to our community and the environment. We believe we are all made in the image of God, we are loved by God, and are created to be in relationships with each other.”
Who We Are
We are a Lay-Led Congregation
We are a Lay-Led congregations which means that we do not have a full-time pastor, but we have a group of people who make sure that the church runs as smoothly as possible. They provide regular Sunday services.
Once a month, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month the Rev. Keith Hackett, a retired UMC pastor is with us and he leads worship, preaches, and celebrates Holy Communion with us. He is also available for weddings and funerals.